Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Why do we vote for our representatives?

The link below for a youtube video makes me scratch my head. Our Congressmen and Congresswomen are suppose to have the responsibility to make wise decision for the voter of their districts but when it on Congressmen asked For a procedural effort that requires Senators to state that they have read and understand a bill that they will vote on, he is shot down.

Hummmm, I guess it is too much to ask for our Senators to read and try to understand 2000 plus page bill that will effect every America's health. I would like to ask a simply question, WHY?

The House did the same thing, they put together a 2000 + page bill and amendments and passed it less than a week. Again WHY?

Remember they are rushing to pass these bill that will not go into effect until 2014, WHY?
